Return on investment matters. That is why our purpose is bigger than helping students get their first job. Getting in the door is one thing. Staying inside is another challenge altogether, and it’s one we embrace.
A diploma is a hunting license. It permits you to enter the fray, but it provides no guarantee of success. The value of the degree is not the paper but the preparation, the story of skills acquired and values understood by way of intentional instruction and diligent effort.
This story is the daily business of our program.
Our interdisciplinary curriculum emphasizes the practical value of narrative knowledge. You will learn to apply this knowledge beyond the classroom, as we connect the study of literature and storytelling with your professional interests and personal wellbeing.
You will leave our program with the intellectual skills and creative capacity essential for resilience and success in virtually every field.
“Listening is not the act of hearing the words spoken. It is the art of understanding the meaning behind those words.”
— Simon Sinek
You should not have to choose between exploring your passions and training for a successful future. These interests are one and the same. We have designed a program with the realities of life today in mind. Your time and treasure are as precious to us as your dreams.
Our focused curriculum (just 30 credit hours), combined with our customized approach to advising, allows many students to graduate in three years or less.
One option is our new dual-credit pathway that allows students to earn their degree in less time for less money, thanks to the college credits they earned in high school.
Some of these students, who are interested in teaching, stack early graduation with Doane’s excellent Fast Track Program for Teacher Certification. Not only is this path less expensive, it allows them to start their careers in the classroom with a master’s degree nearly complete. At the same time, their peers at other institutions are just finishing their bachelor’s degrees.
We offer impressive scholarships for students in our program. These awards affirm our commitment to The New Xanadu’s heritage by supporting a new generation of students who believe in the power of narrative to change the world, one story at a time.
Each award is $3000 annually, or $12,000 over four years. Interested students may apply HERE.
Complement your major and enhance your portfolio of professional skills by completing one or more of our new interdisciplinary certificates, based on your academic goals, personal interests, and career aspirations. Set yourself apart with practical experience that applies to the most critical needs of an evolving workplace.

Have an idea?
Narrative knowledge is a superpower.
Learn why.